There are some false myths about dental health which have been debunked now. These myths have no solid scientific basis. The top 10 common debunked dental myths are mentioned below:
1 Brushing harder will clean your teeth
It is a common myth about dental health that Brushing the teeth with a hard toothbrush cleans the teeth more efficiently.
This myth has been debunked because the studies have suggested that using harder toothbrushes can destroy the protective outer covering of teeth called enamel. The destruction of enamel leads to permanent teeth decay. Furthermore, using the harder toothbrushes can also cause the gums to recede and bleed.
It is advised by the dental physician to use soft toothbrushes gently.Ā This will protect the enamel and help the fine cleansing of teeth. Applying too much pressure on the teeth is also avoided.Ā
2 If you brush your teeth regularly,Ā there is no need for flossingĀ
This is a general myth that flossing is not necessary if someone brushes his teeth regularly. But this myth has been debunked because individuals who do not offer regular flossing are more prone to dental health issues.
It has been suggested by dental physicians to patients to floss their teeth at least once a day, especially after meals. Flossing helps to clear away the remained food particles and debris from the places which are not accessible through toothbrushes. This action prevents the bacteria from growing into plaques and causing dental cavities.
3 Chewing bubble gums are equivalent to brushing the teeth
For many years, it had been a myth that chewing the bubble gums or bubble sticks is a substitute for brushing. It was known that people who were in a hurry and running short of time, only chew the bubbles and felt it equivalent to teeth brushing.
However, this myth has also been debunked, because chewing bubble gum cannot clean the mouth bacteria as efficiently as brushing. Brushing twice a day is necessary to maintain good oral and dental health. But chewing bubble gums has also some advantages. The sugar-free Bubble gums are found good for accelerating saliva production, this excess saliva washes the mouth bacteria, sugary and acidic build-up on the teeth.
4 Dental cavities develop only from the use of lollipops and sugary foods
It was a myth long ago that the excess use of lollipops and sweets are the only factors that lead to the development of dental cavities. But the studies proved this fact a myth and it has been debunked now.
It has been suggested through experimental studies that regular snacks and crackers contain starchy carbohydrates which can CSB dental cavities. Linking to that, savory foods also can cause dental cavities. So not only sweets are not the culprit for cavities but snacks other carbohydrates-containing foods also lead to dental problems like the development of cavities.Ā
5 Any gum related disease only affects the oral cavity
This idea that the gums swelling and bleeding only affect oral hygiene and cause dental problems is markedly debunked by the scientists.
The oral cavity is the opening passage for the whole body so any oral health issue can affect the entire body’s health. The bleeding and swollen gums have the ability to let in some bacteria and their harmful toxins into circulation. These toxins circulate in the entire body and cause cardiovascular issues, increased risk of heart attacks, and some types of cancer.
6 Teeth whitening strips donāt affect the enamel of teeth
Teeth are the first thing that becomes the most prominent thing when one smiles, and beautiful, white, teeth make the smile more beautiful and graceful. People are always searching for teeth whitening solutions. These solutions are not always effective for whitening, sometimes they destroy the enamel thus contributing to teeth decay.Ā
It is always advised to the individual to seek any teeth whitening treatments from an experienced dental physician. Some of the online available teeth whitening solutions are fake and lead to teeth damage rather than whitening.Ā
7 Drinking diet beverages are a healthy choice for your teeth
The commonly used beverages have a high sugar content that washes away the enamel of teeth and causes serious dental problems. Some people who are fond of beverages are advised to take diet beverages.Ā
The diet cold drinks and other beverages contain less acidic and sugary content that protects the enamel to some extent.
8 Drinking fruit juices promote dental health
It was a common myth that fruit juices intake promotes dental and oral hygiene.Ā But this myth is debunked as it was found that the fruit juices are rich in artificial sugars as well as natural sugars which end up causing dental cavities.Ā
Those individuals who regularly drink fruit juices are advised to use paper straws so that the added sugars do not directly harm the teeth. So, the myth that fruit juices promote dental health is wrong.
9 Regular dental check-up is not needed unless a dental problem occurs
It is a commonly applied myth that regular dental follow-up is not necessary until you have a serious dental problem. But medically it is not recommended.Ā
Studies have suggested that an individual must follow two check-ups per year to assess dental health. Sometimes there is apparently no problem, but the check-up reveals the beginning of severe dental issues.
10 Coke and other beverages dissolve the teeth overnight
It is a great surprising myth that coke dissolves the teeth if it is dipped overnight.Ā But this myth is debunked as there is no such truth.
But Coke and all other beverages are enriched with the added sugars, acids, and preservatives. All of these can cause teeth erosion, teeth decay, and finally the appearance of cavities in the teeth.